
Julia’s Girl Talk

The women of Casa Chirilagua were headed out for a game of basketball with a few women from the...

Trip of a Lifetime

In January of 2009 Cory, the leader of Mujeres de Virtud, decided to challenge us with a new...

Showing Love in a Practical Way

“D, I don’t really feel like coming over today.” She said to me on the phone. “Why?” I prodded and...

Blessed are the Available

On a regular Sunday morning, a small troupe of kids from the neighborhood scurried from behind me...

The Walls Came Tumbling Down

After work on a fine Friday, I drove to a very dear friend’s house to visit her new little baby...

Learning to be Present

Julia, Emily, and I were all returning from a long weekend retreat at Emily’s parents house on a...


Nuestra red relacional de voluntarios y donantes es un grupo diverso de individuos del área metropolitana de Washington, DC. Siendo una organización sin ánimos de lucro, dependemos de la comunidad para apoyar a los directores de los programas en nuestro centro en diferentes formas, tales como ser mentores y proveer para la despensa de ayuda de emergencia entre otras cosas. Cada miembro de la comunidad de Casa Chirilagua tiene un don especial y único, ya sea su tiempo, talento o recurso.