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D’s Corner: Imagine-Bring hope to life

On November 15th, we gathered with 100 Casa Chirilagua supporters to share the dreams that members of the Chirilagua community are dreaming for themselves, their families and for Casa Chirilagua. You can hear more about the dreams being dreamed in our neighborhood by watching and hearing videos from our neighborhood parents, from our middle schoolers or by listening to this audio clip from my mentee and reading about some conversations I’ve recently had with neighbors.


During the evening we had a wonderful time dreaming about the future together and imagining…
….a community where local leadership is developed and supported.
…a growing and empowered parent committee.
…a Family Strengthening program.
…a 100% high school graduation rate.
…the purchase of a bus.
At Casa we are imagining hope come to life.

We invite you to come alongside these imaginings with your time, talent or treasure to help bring their hope to life in 2013. Imagine…your role in helping to bring hope to life.

Help us start 2013 strong by participating in the Year-End Match! As you consider your year-end giving, please consider donating to Casa Chirilagua. We have grown so much this year and need people like you to help sustain that growth in 2013.

All new donations (not previously pledged) received between Dec12 – Dec 31st will be matched dollar for dollar up to $5,000.






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