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D’s Corner: The Miracle of Extravagant Abundance

This morning at a Bible study I attended, we discussed Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding feast. When Jesus chose to defy the laws of nature to produce this miracle, saving the Bridegroom’s family from cultural humiliation, he didn’t just do the minimum. He produced 120 -130 gallons of wine, and it wasn’t “2 buck chuck.” It was the best of the best. It was an act of love and compassion toward the bridegroom, his family and his guests that manifested itself in the provision of an incredibly abundant and extravagant gift, a gift He did not have to give. That miracle was the first sign in which Jesus’ glory was revealed, and it strengthened the disciples’ faith that Jesus actually was who he claimed to be.


Lately at Casa Chirilagua, we have been overwhelmed by God’s extravagant abundance to provide exactly what we need, when we need it. This month alone Grace Community Church sponsored a golf tournament to benefit Casa Chirilagua and raised almost $3000. All we had to do was show up and three lucky LIT students had their first spin in a golf cart. Additionally, our new friends in the Arlington Ridge neighborhood opened their neighborhood and their hearts to us by raising $14,400 at a recent event. God’s extravagant love has also been expressed through a volunteer who committed to taking our staff out to lunch once a month just to care for us. There are multiple churches that are stepping up to plan the 2ndannual Casa Chirilagua Turkey Rally on November 19th.  When we went looking for volunteers to help with the Art on the Avenue event, we had a great response of volunteers ready and willing to help.


I am also happy to report that two weeks into the new structure of our Monday night student Bible Studies, they are booming. We now have three studies taking place every Monday night: 4th – 6th grade boys; Middle School girls; 4th – 5th grade girls. Each study has its own location in the neighborhood and 2-3 adult leaders. Average Monday night attendance for all three groups combined is about twenty kids. We are excited about the growth that can take place from these weekly meetings.


At Casa Chirilagua we are thankful for God’s ongoing abundant provision and extravagant love which provides us with our daily bread and the resources necessary to continue the work we are called to accomplish today. We pray that through these miraculous signs of abundant provision which we see in Chirilagua, the glory of the Lord will be revealed and the faith of the community of believers will be strengthened.


With a Grateful Heart,



““Two things I ask of you, LORD; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.”

– Proverbs 30:7-9


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