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Kids Club: 2012-13 Starts!

Monday, September 10, 2012, we started Kids Club with some new surprises and some still waiting to blossom! A new school year has begun with more kids than we have ever served (40 on a daily basis) and a new director (me, Julio Hernandez) in place. Now we face a new challenges.

The biggest challenge that we had to overcome was the cancellation of the bus drop in front of the Kids Club program site the Friday before program started. We spent that afternoon calling all the parents to rearrange our transportation plan and call a parents’ meeting following the first day of program.

We found a temporary solution which was instituted on Monday. Dawnielle, Adriana, the Middle School Director and Tim our new Assistant Kids Club Director went to the various bus stops to round up the kids for our first day. As I waited for the kids and staff to arrive I could hear the kids laughing, shouting, singing down the road coming to the church. As I saw Tim come around the bend, it was like a scene out of a story book. Tim looked like the Pied Piper with thirty kids trailing behind him.

To address our transportation issue, we held a parent meeting the first day of Kid’s Club. We presented our problem and the parental response was overwhelming. The parents requested a meeting with the school leadership and the administrators listened to the parents’ concerns and requests. The school leadership worked with our parents to find a wonderful solution to their transportation concerns for their children. We are so thankful for the kindness and attentiveness shown by the school staff.

Through this predicament, the Kids Club parents’ found their voice and gained confidence in speaking out and advocating for their children. Their prayerful attitude through this trial and God’s answering, is now indelibly also their testimony.

With thanksgiving,


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