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Kids Club: The WORD

One of the new things we have started at Kids Club is a weekly chapel. It is a time to have fun, worship God in song and dance, and spiritual nourishment. As a part of the program, kids are given a weekly memory verse. I am excited to see the kids’ enthusiasm when they memorize their verse. Actually, this week we were able to see some real life applications to this verse. One day Inez make fun of Dalia. Inez was saying some inappropriate things and I confronted Inez. I asked her why she kept repeating something that was so rude. Inez told me that kids on the bus were repeating insults at Dalia and that she could not get it out of her head. At that point, we discussed how she could bring her Bible verses we have learned at Kids Club as a way of replacing the negative thoughts. She already knew the verses we had practiced previously, so she asked for another verse. We added another verse to her repertoire to help her walk in the way of righteousness.


Another idea we are developing at Kids Club is peaceful conflict resolution. In other words, we are transforming conflict into an occasion to glorify God.

At Casa Chirilagua we want to raise-up disciples who live the message of Jesus Christ. We believe that one way we can do that is by helping replace dehumanizing messages with the love of God. Please join us in praying for our weekly chapel service on Thursdays at 5:00 to 5:30 PM.




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