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Meet Mr. Leigh, Kids Club Volunteer of the Year

What words come to mind when we think of Mr. Leigh?

Committed. FUN. Boisterous. Entertaining. LOVING.


Mr. Leigh is committed. For 5 years he has served faithfully alongside our community. As a volunteer at Kids Club he shows up twice a week, and seldom if ever misses a day or field trip. As soon as the school year started Mr. Leigh made sure we gave him a schedule of all of the field trips so he could move his work schedule around, sometimes even taking time off, to join us as a chaperone. From field trips to the trampolines, pool, museums, Mr. Leigh helps keep our kids’ safe, and helps ensure they have FUN!


He is boisterous and entertaining. If you ever heard Mr. Leigh reading, you would have a hard time not wanting to stick around more to listen. His impersonation of kings, dragons, and all kinds of books bring stories to life and bring our students into a whole new world as they read. One of the kids’ favorite days is when Mr. Leigh shows up as a Leprechaun. It’s hard to keep the fanfare focused. But once all of the kids are given permission, they swarm the coolest Casa Chirilagua Leprachaun ever. Ever.


Mr. Leigh is LOVING. Mr. Leigh shows up week, after week, month after month, year after year because he loves us. And he knows we love him. Mr. Leigh’s stern commitment to our kids is admirable. Like many of you, he’s always demonstrated care for our students in the best way he can and we love him for it!


Recently Miss Marissa asked Mr. Leigh a few questions about his experiences. Here are his answers:


What have you learned through your experience working with students at Kids Club?

“I hardly know where to begin with this question – there are so many things. I was really nervous about volunteering initially, but soon discovered that just being here was the most important thing. Also trying to recognize each one’s different personality challenges me to reach I am asked to work with, but even situations that appear to begin challenging work out and are sometimes the most rewarding.”


What motivates you to continue volunteering week after week?

“I really believe this is a calling from the Lord; there is an energy and peace from letting these youngsters know that someone cares about and for them. And every once in a while I’m actually able to help them understand something they are working on.”


What has been your most memorable experience volunteering with Kids Club?

“My job precluded me from coming for several weeks. When I was finally able to return I had let Ms. Liz know, but she didn’t tell the youngsters. When I walked in I was mobbed by two waves of young people wanting to hug me. I think the same thing might have happened this last St. Patrick’s Day, returning from surgery, but Ms. Marissa wanted to make sure I wasn’t over taxed. Then there was the time I ran into one of the recent graduates and her family at a fast food restaurant – she came up and asked me if I was still going to Kids’ Club and gave me a big hug. You can’t make things like this happen.”



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