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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer At Casa

We surveyed our Kids Club volunteers and discovered some touching reasons why they enjoyed being a part of the Casa family. Here were the top five:


5. Having a kid hug me unexpectedly when I walk in.

4. Students remembered me every time, which made me feel more confident in being able to instruct the kids.

3. Listening to the children read and reading to them. Through this they learned some new vocabulary!

2. Being able to share their achievements.

1. Watching them grow in their confidence in themselves.


Share the fun and the learning!

This upcoming school year, Kids Club aims for every pair of students to have undivided attention from a volunteer. In order to achieve this goal, we need 15 new volunteers to join us at Kids Club. If you know anyone between the ages of 16-85 who can commit to one day a week from 3pm-5pm to partner with our students in their academic, social, and spiritual growth, send them our way. We desire all talents and gifts – our kids have learned about knitting, working on engineering for airplanes, serving in the CIA – all from conversations with volunteers in the midst of doing homework and reading! Share life with us at Kids Club, and join with our kids to discover and realize their potential.

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