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Turkey “Pollo” Rally

Six local churches came together to host the 2nd annual Turkey “Pollo” Rally to celebrate the God’s blessings and the families in the Chirilagua neighborhood. Members from these churches met several months in advance to plan and pray for an event that would build relationships and shower God’s love in the community. On November 19, six different churches (Grace Community Church, Great Commission Community Church, Restoration Anglican Church, Christ the King, Alexandria Presbyterian, National Community Church) set up games, hot dog stands, face-painting and 300 pollo baskets to be given to neighborhood families.

As families began to arrive, the celebration began! There was plenty of food and plenty of fun to go around. Carlos Dimas gave a short Thanksgiving message in Spanish. The prayer booth was open all throughout with a prayer team. The day ended with a “rifa” (raffle). The kids were so excited for a chance just to win, even if the prizes were mediocre. But they weren’t. We had Giant gift cards, Olive Garden gift cards, CVS gift cards, and an ipod all thanks to generous donors.

This year, not only was the Turkey Rally a success in spreading God’s warmth on a simple November Saturday, but it was also a success in building stronger the wider body of Christ by acting out His greatest command: love God and love one another.

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