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D’s Corner: Exciting Changes

Dear Casa Chiri Family,

There comes a point in every young organization when it braces itself for the inevitable…change! Rather than fear it, we are going to offer it up to the Lord as an opportunity for awesome things to happen. As we plan and prepare for transitions and shifts, we want to include you in that process. No surprises here!


In the area of governance and oversight, we are happy to share that February 6th marked the first Casa Chirilagua board meeting of 2012. Christine Wilson and Jamilia Shipman have rolled off the board, and we are grateful for their service. We welcome to the board Dr. Phillip Connor, Mr. Timothy Kuhn, Mrs. Nancy Francis and Ms. Darla Bardine. Serving their second year on the board are Mrs. Emily Mancia, Ms. Dawnielle Miller, Mr. Israel Ortega, Mr. Wayne Cummins and Mrs. Julia Simerly, chairperson of the board. Please look for further information on board members to appear on the Casa Chirilagua website in the coming months.


In February, sometime around the 22nd, the Casa Chiri family will grow with the birth of baby boy Philips, son of our Development Director, Janice Philips. Sarah Beaumont has graciously agreed to come on staff as a part-time temporary staff person, covering for Janice during her maternity leave. Sarah’s name may sound familiar since she was recognized as the January Casa Chiri volunteer of the month. We are excited to welcome Sarah to the team.


There are a few other staffing changes for which we are preparing. God willing and trusting Him for the funding, we will be adding two new staff members in 2012. By May, we hope to add a Mentoring coordinator and by July, we hope to add a Middle School Program Director. Emily Mancia, our current Kids Club Director, will transition to the Mentoring Coordinator position, and we will be searching for and hiring a new Kids Club Director and Middle School Program director. Please join us in the search for the right candidates for these positions. We are searching for people who are called, capable and will be committed to the mission and vision of Casa Chirilagua. Both candidates must be bi-lingual and a background in education will be preferred. The job descriptions have not yet been posted or advertised; however, inquiries can be sent to me at


With much change and growth coming our way in 2012, please pray for wisdom, for the continued stewardship of all that the Lord has entrusted to Casa Chirilagua, both relationally and monetarily. Please join us in prayer as we seek two new additions to the staffing family. Exciting things are at hand!





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