Kids Club June Update
Unbelievable, but true: The 2010-2011 Kids Club after-school program has come to an end! Here...
Volunteer Spotlight: Scott Jacob and Lee Ferron
For the month of June we are recognizing two volunteers as the volunteer of the month, Mr. Scott...
Ms. D and the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket
We had just finished up Bible study and were on our way to walk several of the students to their...
ATF: The Start of a Middle School Program
During the weekend of May 6th and 7th, Casa Chirilagua launched its community based Middle School...
An Outpouring
In Chirilagua it seems that we are in a season of an outpouring of love on our community and in...
Making Indigenous Leadership a Priority!
CASA CHIRI NEEDS TO RAISE $4,000. At the beginning of April, Emily Mancia, Director of the Kids...
Nuestra red relacional de voluntarios y donantes es un grupo diverso de individuos del área metropolitana de Washington, DC. Siendo una organización sin ánimos de lucro, dependemos de la comunidad para apoyar a los directores de los programas en nuestro centro en diferentes formas, tales como ser mentores y proveer para la despensa de ayuda de emergencia entre otras cosas. Cada miembro de la comunidad de Casa Chirilagua tiene un don especial y único, ya sea su tiempo, talento o recurso.