Downward Dog and the Kennedy Center
Our Monday night programming for Teens Club was created with the intent of broadening our...
February Volunteer of the Month
Every month we gather as a staff to select our Volunteer of the Month. With so many superstar...
“Are you really going to call my dad????”
A call home can instantly strike terror into the heart of any kid. As Kids Club Director, I’ve...
Register now for our 8 Key Components of Christian Community Development Workshop – March 15
As we form Casa Chirilagua's Strategic Direction Plan, our entire community is part of the...
Mentors on Mentoring by Lee Ferron
January is National Mentoring Month! Casa Chirilagua has over 40 incredible mentors who each give...
Mentors on Mentoring by Vince Garcia
January is National Mentoring Month! Casa Chirilagua has over 40 incredible mentors who each give...
Nuestra red relacional de voluntarios y donantes es un grupo diverso de individuos del área metropolitana de Washington, DC. Siendo una organización sin ánimos de lucro, dependemos de la comunidad para apoyar a los directores de los programas en nuestro centro en diferentes formas, tales como ser mentores y proveer para la despensa de ayuda de emergencia entre otras cosas. Cada miembro de la comunidad de Casa Chirilagua tiene un don especial y único, ya sea su tiempo, talento o recurso.