Volunteer Spotlight: Amelia Brown
"Can I work with Miss Amelia?" the children call out from the line in the hallway waiting to enter...
We Can Tell Them!
"Today we are going to turn plain old white coffee filters into beautiful, colorful butterflies!"...
The Art of Restoration: people. families. community. (An Art Gallery and Open House for Casa Chirilagua-Nov. 6, 2011)
This Fall, Casa Chirilagua is hosting an open house called "The Art of Restoration: people....
October KC Update
The past few weeks we have been talking with the kids about CHOICES. We all make them everyday,...
A Student’s Prayer
"How can I be praying for you this week?' I asked the girls at my first week of girls Middle...
D’s Corner: The Miracle of Extravagant Abundance
This morning at a Bible study I attended, we discussed Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into...
Nuestra red relacional de voluntarios y donantes es un grupo diverso de individuos del área metropolitana de Washington, DC. Siendo una organización sin ánimos de lucro, dependemos de la comunidad para apoyar a los directores de los programas en nuestro centro en diferentes formas, tales como ser mentores y proveer para la despensa de ayuda de emergencia entre otras cosas. Cada miembro de la comunidad de Casa Chirilagua tiene un don especial y único, ya sea su tiempo, talento o recurso.