Undeserved Award?
On our last day of Kids Club we finished early so that we could present the kids with their...
Partner Organization of 2011-12: Restoration Anglican Church
The 2011-2012 partner organization of the year contributes their time, talent and treasure to...
3rd Annual Year-End Celebration
On Saturday, June 9th Casa Chirilagua celebrated the achievement of our students as well as...
Acquire the Fire
"Your love never fails, itnever gives up, it never runs out on me." These were the words of the...
D’s Corner: Extravagant Generosity
Dear Casa Chiri Family, Wednesday, May 2nd 2012 was an historic day for Casa Chirilagua. The staff...
Volunteer Spotlight:Jennifer Zambrano
In the fall of 2011, Jennifer Zambrano rolled into Kids Club on a regular basis to pick up...
Nuestra red relacional de voluntarios y donantes es un grupo diverso de individuos del área metropolitana de Washington, DC. Siendo una organización sin ánimos de lucro, dependemos de la comunidad para apoyar a los directores de los programas en nuestro centro en diferentes formas, tales como ser mentores y proveer para la despensa de ayuda de emergencia entre otras cosas. Cada miembro de la comunidad de Casa Chirilagua tiene un don especial y único, ya sea su tiempo, talento o recurso.