Ice Skating (and Falling): Try, try again!

Mar 7, 2011

What better way to enjoy the cold weather we were having here in the DC area than ice skating? For January’s special field trip, Kids Club went to Pentagon Row’s ice skating rink. At first, one glance at the rink, and it could have been mistaken for a battlefield–kids falling, crashing into one another, grappling the railings for dear life. But some minutes later, the kids began to get the hang of this slippery replacement. Hand in hand, child and volunteer navigated the ice with increasing ease. If you fall, pick yourself up, and try, try again. That was the mantra for the afternoon!

The kids took a break to sip some warm hot chocolate and nibble on some popcorn. They were also warmed up from donning new  mitten, hat and scarf sets that Restoration Anglican Church so lovingly provided for each of our Kids Club kids.

A few bruises later (or battle scars), we packed up the bus and went home, tired but happy with accomplishments on the ice. See you next winter, ice skating rink!

We are a community of people “learning together to love our neighbors as ourselves” in a Latino neighborhood in Alexandria, Virginia.

As a faith-based Christian non-profit with a small staff and over 100 volunteers, we serve alongside more than 100 families and their children (1st-12th grades) each week through our community programs.

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Our relational network of volunteers and donors reflects a diverse group of individuals from all over the Washington, D.C. metro area. As a non-profit, we rely on the community for assisting program directors on-site, being mentors, supplying the needs of our food pantry, and everything in between. Each member of our Casa community holds a unique gift, whether time, talent or treasure.