Our Mission

We are a community of people “learning together to love our neighbors as ourselves” in a Latino neighborhood in Alexandria, Virginia.
As a faith-based Christian non-profit with a small staff and over 100 volunteers, we serve alongside more than 100 families and their children (1st-12th grades) each week through our community programs.

Developing relationships with families to see the Chirilagua neighborhood transformed by Christ.
God’s Kingdom established in the Chirilagua community.
We seek to live incarnationally among our neighbors, positioning ourselves to be the hands and feet of Christ daily. We seek relationship, recognizing that transformation occurs through Christ-centered connections, that programs serve as access points rather than ends in themselves. We seek, live, and profess a message of restoration between God and people and between individuals. We highlight these values in what we call the 5 R’s. These values guide our decisions and focus for the future and growth of our organization.

1. Reliant
We are reliant on God.

2. Rooted
We are rooted in the community.

3. Relational
We are relational in all we do.

4. Reconciliatory
We work toward reconciliation to God and one another.

5. Regenerative
We invest in the regeneration of individuals and our entire neighborhood.
Casa Chirilagua’s Culture of Honor
As an organization we commit to the following four statements known as the Culture of Honor. These commitments are made by all who participate at Casa Chirilagua, from board members to staff to families, to ensure we are interacting with one another with respect, humility and love.

1. I choose to be courageous and vulnerable
2. I choose to be trustworthy and trusting
3. I choose to be genuinely powerful
4. I choose to believe there is enough in the world for all people to flourish

Get Involved
Our relational network of volunteers and donors reflects a diverse group of individuals from all over the Washington, D.C. metro area. As a non-profit, we rely on the community for assisting program directors on-site, being mentors, supplying the needs of our food pantry, and everything in between. Each member of our Casa community holds a unique gift, whether time, talent or treasure.