Valentine’s Day is about getting candy, teddy bears, flowers and cards, right? Kids Club kids think there’s more to it than that! We took a Friday to make cupcakes, cards, and “stained glass” hearts to give to those who have shown us so much love through the year and to show love to those who need it.
We gave all our creations to: MOM’s (My Organic Market) to say thank you for all the veggies and fruits they faithfully gives us every week for the kids’ snack; Teachers at Mt. Vernon Community School for teaching and equipping us with knowledge; residents at Culpepper Gardens assisted living to show them that they are not forgotten but loved; Alexandria Presbyterian Church for always letting use their bus and taking us on field trips; Beverly Hills United Methodist church for letting us do Kids Club in their fellowship hall and for their volunteer tutors; Arlandria Co-Op for giving us yummy snacks to eat.
From Kids Club with LOVE: THANK YOU!!!!

Candy with cupcake on the side!

Making Valentine's cards (and masks)

Melted crayon shavings between heart shaped wax paper. Cheery window decorations for Culpepper Gardens elderly residents.

Cards to say: I love you and thank you!

Hearts are so useful!