From left to right: Roger (President), Roger (Vice President), Georgina (Accountant), Isabel (Secretary) Not pictured: Juana (Treasurer)
This month we highlight our Kids Club Directiva de Padres (Parent Board). These five leaders have worked incredibly hard over the past year to empower the parents to take more ownership and get more involved in Kids Club. From advocating for a bus stop for the kids in the fall, to organizing and executing several fundraisers (including raffles, a yard sale, and food sales), to planning and facilitating several family friendly events (including a Central American Thanksgiving and Christmas Celebration), they have been busy! Their latest accomplishment has been mobilizing the entire parent group to dedicate one day per week to help with clean-up after program. This has been a huge help to the staff, as well as an added blessing for the church where we meet. We are so thankful to the Directiva de Padres for their efforts, and we are proud of the example they are giving their children and the rest of the community.