5 Talents: Vienna Presbyterian Youth Give and Serve

Through the 5 Talents Project, a part of their confirmation class, the youth at Vienna Presbyterian used their talents, experiences and obedient hearts to raise money specifically for the kids and families that Casa Chirilauga serves. Altogether, the 9th graders in...

If Ryan Can, So Can We

Francisca and I were driving in the car when a Toby Mac song began playing. Some lyrics jumped out to me, “I was made to love and be loved by you.”  That lyric was followed by the line, “Anything, I would give up for you. Everything, I’d give...

Kids Club Choir and Drama has begun!

It’s been over a month since we started Choir and Drama groups, and it’s been a fantastic start. Here’s what our teachers have to say… Kids Club Choir This Spring in Alexandria you will hear more than birds singing.  You can hear the voices of...

Volunteer of the Month: Joanna Foote

Ms. Joanna Foote was first introduced to the Chirilagua neighborhood during her Freshman year at Georgetown University when she participated in the InterVarsity DC Urban Plunge spring break program. Instead of flying to the inviting beaches of Florida, Joanna stayed...

Note from Dawnielle: Futbol Time!

Futbol. Soccer. Futbol. Soccer. It seems to be all I hear these days. Spring is here and soccer fills the streets, alleys and parks of Chirilagua more plentifully than the petals on the cherry blossom trees. The students at Kids Club have difficulty focusing on their...

Lemonade for Water

We took a group of rising junior high girls to the Revolve Tour in Baltimore at the beginning of March for a time of getting to know each other and getting closer to God. But, the conference experience turned out to be  completely opposite to what we were hoping it...