Kids Club’s Got Talent

“Mom! Dad! Come see what I made!” Our Kids Club friends were all smiles during their recent Talent Show and Art Expo. This year, their talent show was a culmination of all the works of art they had created throughout the year. Our community center’s...

Teens Growing Together

We laughed, we played, we ate, we sang, we prayed, and each of us grew deeper in our faith. The weekend began with the group arriving to the peaceful retreat at Pine Creek in Gore, VA. We took in the natural surroundings with the Appalachian mountains peeking at us...

First Visit to DC

“I’ve never been to the National Mall before,” said Juan as he sat on the Metro heading towards the Smithsonian. “Now that I know how to ride the Metro, this will be easier to come by myself,” his friend Pedro declared. Soon they would both be experiencing the...

Spring2Action 2018: You DID it!

  We are speechless. TOGETHER you SURPASSED our goal PLUS helped us earn extra prize money by getting Casa Chirilagua into 2nd place in total dollars, 4th place for total number of Free Agent Fundraiser gifts and by winning the 10pm POWER HOUR.   THANK YOU...

Spring2Action THIS Wednesday

TODAY YOU CAN HELP secure a strong start to Spring2Action:   Give now to double your gift with a $5,000 matching grant for all advance donations!   Like this Facebook post The #Spring2Action post with the most likes by April 25th will win $250!  ...

2017 Annual Report

You made 2017 a very memorable year! We couldn’t have done it without you. Read more in Casa Chirilagua’s 2017 annual report.