Leadership Pipeline

Below you can find information about Casa Chirilagua’s Leadership Pipeline as well as volunteer needs. The programs are divided by the age group or demographics of the target participants.

Kids Club

Casa is creating space for our community to shape its youngest members into its future leaders. We provide programs for 1st–5th grade students to hone their academic skills, improve confidence, and find an accepting community where they belong.

Teens Club and Casa to College

With Teens Club and Casa to College, Casa is providing 6th–12th grade students social and developmental support through group classes, tutoring, experience and exposure field trips, Bible studies, and college preparation.


Our community-based mentoring program matches students enrolled in Casa programs with a caring adult mentor for a minimum of one year. Transforming two lives through one mentor relationship!

Local Leaders

Local Leaders are college-age young adults from the community hired to run our afterschool programs while receiving part-time job experience, professional development and training, professional mentoring, and support for continuing education.

Computer Literacy class students taking their final exam

Adult Leadership

Casa Chirilagua’s family strengthening programming provides families with safe spaces to engage in community dialogue, share achievements, strengthen parent/child communication, and serve in a leadership capacity to promote the well-being of the family.

Support our Programs Financially

A donation from you will help sustain our successful programs which provide spaces for families to flourish.