
Daniel’s Journey with Two Mentors
Daniel faced the overwhelming task of choosing a...
A Student’s Patience
On a cold, grey December afternoon, Katherine...
Volunteer With Us!
"Come, volunteer, we treat you like family!"...
Following Their Lead
"Ms. Marissa, are we going to keep together...
Thanksgiving with Yo Hablo Ingles
On a chilly night students and volunteers...
Parent Leaders Growing
It was the first day of Kids Club. Excitement...

Get Involved
Our relational network of volunteers and donors reflects a diverse group of individuals from all over the Washington, D.C. metro area. As a non-profit, we rely on the community for assisting program directors on-site, being mentors, supplying the needs of our food pantry, and everything in between. Each member of our Casa community holds a unique gift, whether time, talent or treasure.