
6,501,948,552 Reasons to Persevere in Mentoring
We love hearing stories from our mentors. While...
Introducing four new part-time staff members
September is a big month for Casa as we launch...
5k Fun Run in Support of Casa Chiri – Nov. 2nd
One of our partner churches, Christ the King, is...
Ready, Set, Grow!
Tomatoes. Tomatoes. Tomatoes. During a recent...
Meet Pat, a 5th Grader Who Can’t Read
The Kids Club volunteers who attended Kids Club...
Job opening: Part-time Teens Club Director
Do you love working with youth? Are you...

Get Involved
Our relational network of volunteers and donors reflects a diverse group of individuals from all over the Washington, D.C. metro area. As a non-profit, we rely on the community for assisting program directors on-site, being mentors, supplying the needs of our food pantry, and everything in between. Each member of our Casa community holds a unique gift, whether time, talent or treasure.