An Outpouring

In Chirilagua it seems that we are in a season of an outpouring of love on our community and in our ministry. Everywhere I look, I see glimmers of hope for change in our neighborhood. Perhaps it has something to do with the eight soccer coaches from local churches who...

Making Indigenous Leadership a Priority!

CASA CHIRI NEEDS TO RAISE $4,000. At the beginning of April, Emily Mancia, Director of the Kids Club program, attended the Christian Community Development Association Institute’s Immersion course in Chicago, IL. The immersion course is a week long intensive...

Practicing What We are Preaching

The evening wasn’t going quite as I had planned. A mother didn’t show up to clean after Kids Club and didn’t call to let us know otherwise. Emily left Kids Club early to attend to an urgent meeting, and I was left in charge. As if that wasn’t...

It’s May and Emily Says…

In April, Kids Club did some serious spring-cleaning! The kids spent an afternoon cleaning up the facilities and grounds of our Kids Club location, Beverly Hills United Methodist Church. From washing fingerprints off walls and doors to weeding the gardens, the kids...

5 Talents: Vienna Presbyterian Youth Give and Serve

Through the 5 Talents Project, a part of their confirmation class, the youth at Vienna Presbyterian used their talents, experiences and obedient hearts to raise money specifically for the kids and families that Casa Chirilauga serves. Altogether, the 9th graders in...