
Valentine’s Day: Give Love
Valentine's Day is about getting candy, teddy...
Perfect Attendance is not for the weak
Never being absent is hard for anyone. But we...
Jump for Heart Day!
To celebrate Valentine's Day, our amazing and...
Serious Talent
Kids Club put on their first ever Talent Show in...
Ice Skating (and Falling): Try, try again!
What better way to enjoy the cold weather we...
A Culturally Aware 4th Grader, Ready for College
We were driving along in my car headed to...

Get Involved
Our relational network of volunteers and donors reflects a diverse group of individuals from all over the Washington, D.C. metro area. As a non-profit, we rely on the community for assisting program directors on-site, being mentors, supplying the needs of our food pantry, and everything in between. Each member of our Casa community holds a unique gift, whether time, talent or treasure.